Breast Reduction

Meme Küçültme Ameliyatı

Breast reduction surgery is a surgical procedure to eliminate the physical and psychological disorders caused by excessively large breasts. In this process, the breast tissue and skin excess are removed and the breast size is reduced.

What is breast reduction surgery?

Breast reduction surgery is a procedure that aims to reduce breast size in women by surgical means. Excessive increase in breast size can cause pain in the back, neck and shoulders, redness in the skin and itching. It can also limit physical activity and reduce one’s self-confidence. Breast reduction surgery is done to address these problems and ensure that the breasts have a smaller and more harmonious size.

Meme küçültme ameliyatı nasıl yapılır?

How to perform breast reduction operation?

How the surgery will be performed may vary depending on the patient’s chest structure and wishes. Usually, the first incisions for the removal of tissues during surgery are around the nipple, the second incisions are the underbreast curl and the third incisions are the incisions made inside the breast tissue.

After the breast tissue is removed, the breast is reshaped and the nipple is placed in its new position. Post-operative stitches usually melt on their own, so it is not necessary to remove the stitches.

İstanbul meme küçültme ameliyatı fiyatı

Istanbul Breast Reduction Surgery Prices 2023

Istanbul breast reduction surgery prices are a frequently asked question. Surgery fees for the experience of the surgeon in this field, the technique to be applied, the complexity of the surgery, the quality of the operating room, the quality of surgical materials, it may vary according to the needs of the patient and additional diseases. To get a precise information about the surgery fees, I recommend you to call our clinic and get a special price quote.

Do not forget to follow my instagram account, on which I share results of reduction surgery.

Meme küçültme ameliyatı neden yapılır?

Why is breast reduction surgery performed?

Breast reduction surgery is done to eliminate the physical discomfort that occurs due to the large breasts. Large breasts can cause physical ailments such as neck, shoulder and back pain, skin irritation and aesthetic problems such as eyeglasses due to deep back straps. In addition, large breast size can make it difficult to do activities in sports and find appropriate clothing. Therefore, the breast reduction operation aims to eliminate these ailments by reducing the size of the breasts.

Meme küçültme ameliyatı sonrası iz kalır mı?

Will there be scars after breast reduction surgery?

It is normal to leave scars after breast reduction surgery. However, with surgical techniques and the suture materials used, the size and appearance of the scars can be minimized.

During surgery, breast tissue and excess skin are removed and stitches are used to reshape the breast. They are mostly located under the breast, around the nipple. The size and appearance of the scars depends on surgical techniques, personal factors (skin type, healing process, etc.) it may vary depending on the experience of the surgeon.

The process of healing the scars after breast reduction surgery usually takes about 1 year. In this process, the appearance and size of the scars diminish over time and harmonize with the skin color. To make the scars less obvious, it is recommended that you regularly maintain the scars using the methods recommended by your surgeon.

Meme küçültme için ameliyatsız çözümler mümkün mü?

Are non-surgical solutions possible for breast reduction?

Non-surgical solutions for breast reduction are usually not very effective. Some women may exercise to tighten their breasts or use a breast reduction corset, but these methods often give very limited results. However, in some cases, procedures such as liposuction or laser treatment may be used to shrink breast tissue. However, these methods usually yield limited results. Surgery may be required to truly shrink breast tissue.

Don’t forget to follow my facebook account, where I share current posts about breast reduction surgery.

Meme küçültme ameliyatı için kimler uygundur?

Who is suitable for breast reduction operation?

Breast reduction surgery is usually suitable for women who experience physical or psychological discomfort due to breast size. Those who have health problems such as neck and back pain, posture disorder (postural disorder), skin irritation (skin irritation) due to breast size may be suitable candidates for breast reduction surgery due to reasons such as limitation of their ability to move, difficulty in sports activities, fear of their social life, lack of clothing and lack of personal self-confidence. However, it is best to be evaluated by a doctor before any surgery.

Meme küçültme ve meme dikleştirme aynı anda yapılabilir mi?

Can breast reduction and breast lift be done at the same time?

Yes, breast reduction and breast lift can be done at the same time. These two procedures can be performed as a single surgery in some cases. In case of sagging breast tissue and skin, breast lift can be done together with breast reduction surgery. In this case, the breasts will have a smaller and more upright appearance. However, this may not always be appropriate for the procedure and a surgeon’s evaluation is necessary.

Don’t forget to follow my youtube account, where I share current posts about breast reduction surgery.

Meme Küçültme için doğru meme boyutu ve şekli nasıl tespit edilir?

How to determine the correct size and shape of the breast?

There is no strict standard for breast size or shape. However, some people may choose to change or shape their breast size to feel more comfortable or more aesthetically appealing. The correct breast size and shape can vary from person to person. The person’s physical characteristics, lifestyle and aesthetic preferences should be taken into account. Breast size depends on factors such as a person’s height, weight, shoulder width and rib cage size.

Many methods can be used to determine breast size and shape, such as physical examination, the width of the breast base, certain measurements such as nipple height and breast volume, imaging tests such as mammography, ultrasound or MRI, creating a virtual image of a person’s breasts using some special software and digital cameras.

In order to determine the correct breast size and shape, it is important that the person has a detailed consultation with the surgeon. In this consultation, taking into account the wishes of the person and the recommendations of the surgeon, the most appropriate treatment plan can be determined.

Meme küçültme ameliyatı riskleri nelerdir?

What are the risks associated with breast reduction operation?

In any type of surgical intervention, such as breast reduction surgery, there are potential risks and complications. But most of these risks are rare and can be minimized in the hands of an experienced plastic surgeon who performs the procedure. Some possible risks and complications may include: Complications due to anesthesia, bleeding, delay in wound healing, infection, fluid build-up, breast asymmetry, skin or breast numbness, loss of sensation in the nipple and breast tissue, hardening of internal scar tissue, permanent marks

It should be noted that people who smoke, in particular, have a greater risk of complications during the recovery process after surgery. Therefore, it is important to follow the instructions given by the doctor before and after the operation and to follow up regularly.


✅ Procedure Breast Reduction
✅ Reasons For Preference Neck, Shoulder and Back Pain, Skin Irritation, Activity Difficulty, Lack of Self-Confidence
✅ Treatment Options Breast Reduction Surgery
✅ Breast Reduction Pricing Show


At what age can breast reduction be performed?

Breast reduction surgery should be performed after the completion of the development of the breasts. It usually needs to be done after puberty to complete this development. However, in some cases, if teenagers have excessively large breasts or severe psychological conditions, breast reduction surgery can be performed. In these cases, the evaluation of the doctor and family’s permission are important. The general health condition of the person should also be appropriate in order to perform breast reduction surgery.

Does a breast reduction operation cause cancer?

Breast reduction surgery does not cause cancer. It also reduces the risk because it reduces breast volume. In addition, breast tissue samples taken after surgery can be sent to pathological examination and if cancerous cells are detected in this examination, appropriate treatment plan is made. It is recommended that every patient be screened before the operation.

How long after I stop breastfeeding can I have breast reduction?

After you stop breastfeeding, it is recommended to wait a few months for breast tissue to heal. This period is usually at least 3-6 months. But it can be different for each patient, and your doctor will determine the optimal time. For breast reduction surgery, it is recommended to talk to your doctor first and wait until enough time has passed for breast tissue to heal.

What should the doctor consider when choosing breast reduction surgery?

Breast reduction surgery is an important and needed experience. This is why choosing a doctor is so important in this process. Here are the points to consider when choosing a doctor for breast reduction surgery:

  1. Experience and competence: It is very important to choose a doctor who specializes in the field of breast surgery. Don’t forget to check your doctor’s certifications, training, and experience.
  2. References: By looking at the comments of other patients who have undergone breast reduction surgery and the references of the doctor, you can get an idea about him.
  3. Communication skills: You will be in constant communication with your doctor before and after breast reduction surgery. It is important that your doctor is able to speak clearly and explain all the information you need.
  4. Hospital: Breast reduction surgery is usually performed in the hospital. Therefore, the quality of the hospital is also a factor to consider when choosing.
  5. Aesthetic expectation: Breast reduction surgery not only reduces volume, but also corrects the shape of the breast. Therefore, it is important that you have an understanding of your doctor’s aesthetic understanding and how he corrects the shape of the breast.
  6. By paying attention to these factors, you can choose the most suitable breast surgeon for you.

Is breast reduction surgery a painful operation?

Breast reduction surgery is a surgical procedure that is usually performed under general anesthesia and usually feels pain. The pain after the surgery decreases significantly after 1-2 days. There may be pain, swelling and tenderness after surgery. However, with painkillers and other treatments, the severity of these symptoms can be reduced. Also, each patient is different, and the pain threshold may vary, so the level and duration of pain may vary depending on personal factors.

How long does the breast reduction operation take?

The duration of the breast reduction operation may vary depending on the surgical technique, breast size and shape, the patient’s health status. The operation usually takes between 2 and 4 hours. However, the duration of the operation may be longer due to larger breast sizes or other factors. Therefore, the duration of surgery for each patient may be different. For more detailed information about the duration of surgery, it is recommended to talk to your surgeon.

How to prepare before breast reduction operation?

Preparations to be made before breast reduction surgery are:

  1. Talk to your doctor: You can talk to your doctor before surgery and get detailed information about how the surgery will be performed, what effects may be seen after surgery and what should be considered.
  2. Report your health status to your doctor: You should talk to your doctor about your health condition before breast reduction surgery. You should inform your doctor about any medical problems, medications you are taking, or operations you have had before.
  3. Quit smoking: You must stop smoking before surgery. Smoking can negatively affect the healing process after surgery.
  4. Stop blood thinners: Blood thinners should be discontinued before surgery. However, you should consult your doctor before stopping these medications.
  5. Pre-operative examinations will be performed: Your doctor will perform the necessary examinations before the operation. These may include blood tests, urinalysis, electrocardiography (ECG) and breast ultrasound.
  6. Take care of your diet: It is important to eat healthy before surgery. You should drink enough fluids before surgery and avoid alcoholic beverages.
  7. Get support after surgery: You may need to get support for some time after surgery. This support can be someone to help you with daily living activities, or it can also be an assistant that can help you with house works.

Is there a loss of feeling after breast reduction surgery?

After breast reduction surgery, some patients may experience temporary loss of sensation or loss of sensitivity. This can often be caused by damage to nerves or tissues due to removal or reshaping of breast tissue during surgery. However, this condition is usually temporary and may improve on its own within a few weeks or months.

In rare cases, permanent loss of feeling can occur. This risk is higher, especially with procedures performed on and around the nipple. The experience and skill of the surgeon is an important factor in minimizing this risk. Therefore, patients who are considering breast reduction surgery are advised to choose an experienced plastic surgeon.

If I give birth after breast reduction, will my breasts become bigger again?

Getting pregnant after breast reduction surgery can cause changes in breast tissue again and cause breasts to grow. However, as there are no guarantees, it is difficult to predict in advance whether the post-pregnancy breasts will return to their former size. Therefore, if you plan to become pregnant after undergoing breast reduction surgery, it is recommended to talk to your doctor about this in detail.

What should be considered after breast reduction operation?

Some points to be considered after breast reduction surgery are:

  1. Following the instructions given by your doctor after surgery: After surgery, you can speed up the healing process by acting in accordance with the instructions given by your doctor.
  2. Regular check-ups: It is important that you regularly go to the check-ups determined by your doctor after surgery to follow the healing process.
  3. Avoiding heavy work: You may need to avoid heavy work for a certain period of time after surgery. Your doctor will inform you about this.
  4. Using a supported bra: Using a supported bra after surgery will protect your breasts and make you comfortable during the healing process.
  5. Performing wound care: Regular post-operative wound care will reduce the risk of infection.
  6. Avoiding smoking and alcohol use: Smoking and alcohol use can negatively affect the healing process. You may need to avoid smoking and alcohol for some time after surgery.
  7. Eating healthy: Eating healthy during the healing process can speed up healing and help you recover in a healthier way.
  8. Contact your doctor in case of pain and swelling: If you have pain or swelling after surgery, you should contact your doctor immediately.

The above mentioned substances are generally the points to be considered after breast reduction surgery. However, your doctor can give you specific instructions after surgery and you should follow these instructions.

How long after breast reduction surgery can I return to work?

Depending on your job, there may be restrictions on arm and chest movements, so you may need more rest time for tasks that require heavy lifting, prolonged sitting, or standing.

Usually, a rest and recovery period of up to 1 weeks is recommended. However, this period may vary depending on the post-operative recovery process and the person’s overall health. After surgery, your doctor will tell you when you can return to work.

How long after breast reduction does the final shape of the breasts appear?

Immediately after breast reduction surgery, there may be swelling, bruising and edema in the breasts. For this reason, it is recommended to wear a special bra for several weeks after the surgery and avoid heavy lifting. In the first weeks after surgery, there may still be swelling and edema in the breasts, but within 4-6 weeks this usually subsides and the true shape of the breasts appears. However, the full recovery process varies from person to person, but the total recovery time is usually between 3-6 months.

Will I experience sagging and growing again after breast reduction surgery?

After breast reduction surgery, breast tissue is greatly reduced and tightened, so it is rare for breast growth to recur. But in some cases, breasts may regrow or sag due to hormone changes, aging, weight gain, or genetic factors. Therefore, it is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle after surgery, maintain weight control and monitor hormonal changes. It is also important to have regular doctor’s checks and breast exams.

When will I be able to wear a bra after breast reduction?

After breast reduction surgery, your doctor will usually ask you to wear special tight and supportive bras for a few weeks. This bra is designed to support the healing process, reduce swelling and keep the breasts tight so that their shape is maintained. For the first few days after surgery, you may need to wear this bra for 24 hours a day. This sensitive period, which needs to be taken care of, can last for about 1 months. Exactly when you start wearing a regular bra can vary depending on the instructions your doctor will give you.


Questions and answers about breast reduction


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